Eco-responsible sailing in Martinique

Are you environmentally conscious and want to sail in an ecologically responsible way?  Dénébola is the formula for you! We offer you the chance to spend a day discovering the world of sailing, but also to discover the passion of a captain and to learn a few eco-gestures to apply.

A boat that sails :

Dénébola makes a point of using soft energies to navigate. 

Exclusive sailing :

The central concept of Dénébola is sailing exclusively under sail.

Indeed, sailing is an eco-responsible way to navigate. It allows you to reconnect with nature and enjoy the peace and quiet that comes with the absence of an engine. 

However, the engine is needed to leave the anchorages, but as soon as the sail is inflated by the wind, you’re off again, sailing in total tranquility. 

Sailing allows the boat  to glide over the water and take the time to appreciate the sound of the ocean on the boat’s hull.

Last but not least, there’s no risk of disturbing or damaging the flora and fauna that live here.

An electric motor for the dinghy : 

To get you from boat to shore and vice versa, Dénébola has opted for a dinghy. 

This dinghy is yet another example of our eco-responsible approach, as it is equipped with an electric motor. 

This means peace of mind right from the start of the day as you make your way to the boat. 

The motor’s battery is recharged by solar panels. 

Of course, there’s nothing to stop you from swimming ashore for stops throughout the day.

Naviguer à la voile en Martinique, le voilier Dénébola

The captain :

Interview with Bastien : 

  • Introduce yourself

My name is Bastien, I’m 38 years old. I’m originally from mainland France, but I moved to Martinique in 2013 after crossing the Atlantic under sail. 

  • How long have you been working for Dénébola? 

I’ve been a skipper on the Dénébola sailboat for 6 years. 

  • What do you enjoy about sailing? 

Sailing has been a passion of mine since childhood. It was passed on to me by my family. We used to charter small sailboats in Europe every summer. As far as I was concerned, one or two weeks’ sailing a year wasn’t enough. That’s why I decided to make it my profession. 

Moving around on the water with the wind as your only energy is something fabulous, almost jouissif. No engine noise, just the sound of the water… Sailing is a kind of communion with the environment around you: you don’t fight the elements, you adapt to them.

  • Are you sensitive to the issue of environmental protection?

I think that respect for the environment is a matter of course when you spend all your time at sea on a sailboat. The degradation of nature by man is so visible on the water. Fast food packaging stuck in mangrove roots, soda bottles adrift, hermit crabs choosing a plastic cork as a refuge… it’s shocking and should make any sensible person react! And I’m not even talking about climate change… 

  • If so, do you try to pass this on to your passengers during excursions? 

I often talk to my passengers about some of the issues linked to respect for the environment. The exchanges are very interesting. I’m not here to convince anyone of the importance of protecting nature – that’s not my role. On the other hand, I can give my opinion on the damaging effects of man on the aquatic environment from a seaman’s point of view: unfortunately, I witness this on a daily basis. But I’m preaching to the choir most of the time! In fact, the people who choose Dénébola for their sea outings are often nature lovers who opt for one of the best ways to move respectfully on the water: sailing! 

  • What makes the Dénébola sailboat ideal for sailing exclusively and in an eco-responsible way? 

The Dénébola sailboat ( is ideal for just that. It’s a lightweight boat which, in addition to being very reliable and comfortable, needs very little wind to make headway. It’s guaranteed to take advantage of every wisp of air to move forward. Apart from exceptional cases or during certain approach or departure maneuvers, I never use the boat’s internal combustion engine. 

  • What would be your advice for a successful day’s sailing?

My advice for a successful day’s sailing: bring your good humor and let yourself go with the rhythm of the elements!

Bastien, skipper du voilier Dénébola aux îlets du Robert en Martinique

Training courses : 

To be able to sail on this type of boat, Bastien had to take the Captain 200 Sailing diploma.

Dénébola, as part of its ecotourism approach, provides the captain with training.

Indeed, the captain has taken training courses on the preservation of Martinique’s marine ecosystems. This enables him to raise awareness among the public he welcomes aboard the boat.

We also take part in voluntary actions to preserve the planet.

Eco-gestures :

On the morning of your sailing day, Délice de Dénébola will give you a briefing to explain the day’s activities and, above all, to make you aware of the nature you’ll be observing.

Explanations during the briefing : 

At the morning briefing, we explain the day’s schedule, including the various ports of call at the îlets du Robert.  

It’s made clear that sailing will be exclusively under sail, with little or no motor. 

The most important part of the briefing is the explanation of the eco-gestures to be applied during the day. 

We remind you not to throw anything overboard, and to keep your hat/cap firmly on your head, as it could fly off during sailing. 

We would also like to warn you not to put your feet on the seagrass beds, as sea urchins can be found there and can also damage them. 

As for the coral reef, we remind you to stay horizontal if you go snorkeling, especially if you’re wearing flippers, so as not to kick at them, which could injure them. 

During your day on a sailboat, you’ll stop off at the various islets of Le Robert. These are filled with small shells and stones that you’ll often want to pick up. However, it’s best to leave them where they are, as they have their uses within the ecosystems present. 

Last but not least, during your day on a sailboat, you can take along educational brochures to learn more about the species you’ll encounter. In particular, you can discover fish species on a snorkeling tour.

Sailing in a small group : 

With a capacity of 9 passengers, you’ll be able to enjoy a relaxing day of sailing. 

The fact that we sail with a small group means that you can get to know the other passengers better, making for a more intimate day, far from the large groups that some service providers offer. 

Also, in order to make the most of a relaxing day’s sailing, we don’t play any music on board the boat throughout the day, so that we can make the most of nature and not disturb the living creatures in our path.

Navigation à la voile en Martinique, arrière du voilier

Don’t hesitate to book with Dénébola on our website or by phone on +596 696 170 700.




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