
Around the bay

The area

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From the Cabrits islet (south end) up to the Pointe de la Caravelle (North-West), the coast of Martinique exposed to the wind is unique. Some guides present it as one of the most beautiful of all the Caribbean.

Le Robert

A Region Full Of Surprises

The Haven of Le Robert is a  zone ideal for sailing. The Bay is protected by a big coral barrier reef and a string of 10 islets among the most beautiful in the Caribbean.

The bay is set between two undulating hills which advance into the sea: the Pointe Jean-Claude in the North and the Pointe Larose in the South; There is an exceptional fauna and flora. Many small bays have helped the growth of mangrove swamps of rare beauty.And huddling in the rear of this marvelous bay is the town of Le Robert.

The Côte-au-vent

A piece of paradise in Martinique ...

The Atlantic coast of Martinique (known as “Côte au-vent”) is part of the East coast of Martinique . It faces the Atlantic Ocean and the trade winds, and stretches from the Pointe des Salines in the South to Havre de Trinité in the North.

This coast is a navigation zone which rivals the finest sites of the Lesser West Indies by the beauty of its seascapes. Sailing is more technical than on the Leeward coast because you have to know the « passes » between the coral reefs and the islets.

Anchorages are numerous, varied and safe because of the many bays sheltered from the wind and the swell. It is less visited than the Leeward coast, which increases its charm.

Vue aérienne des îlets en Martinique
Vue aérienne d'un îlet en Martinique
Vue aérienne des îlets en Martinique

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