Our story

Our Story

My love of the sea and knowledge of the Windward coast , the pleasure of sailing with the wind and the waves, comes from my parents who have that in their blood.

Nicole & Jérôme

The Martinique Lovers

They met in the West Indies, each having crossed the Atlantic under sail and decided to leave for six months on a 6m50 boat.

Today they still live in Martinique, the island where their two children were born, Aimé, my big brother and myself Délice. Although they have a house on the island they still have yachts with which they have gone on long cruises. But primarily they are specialists on the Atlantic seaboard of Martinique: they know each pass, each reef.This is why my father created the NAUTICAL GUIDE TO MARTINIQUE (Guide nautique de la Martinique) which is indispensable for navigation in the zone.


At the initiative of the project

It is during these family cruises that I learned to be a good crew member and my need to be near to nature was born. My mother taught me that by sending me to the Glénan Sailing School where I passed my instructor’s diploma (cruising) while studying in France.

From 18 to 20 years old —a time I wandered around France and other countries——-Paris, England, Marseilles, Montpellier, Lille, Dominican Republic… Then began my professional life: after 2 years stuck in travel agency offices ,I realized this sort of life was not for me.

Return to Martinique was obvious !

Les parents de Délice de Dénébola et des photos d'enfance
Croisière en voilier
Délice de Dénébola à bord d'un voilier

Délice Resume

Discover the course of Délice

Délice Nouel

Head of the business, professional skipper and diving  instructor.
Born Schoelcher,Martinique 1979


2000 : University diploma in commercialisation techniques.
2004 : Business school specializing in tourism.
2007 : CAPITAINE 200 VMP—sailing.
2009 : State Certificat Int degree deep-sea diving.


French, English, Spanish, Creole

Professional Experience

2002-2003 : Development of travel agency (sports) network – Marseille
2004 : Head of multi-activity hub Sailing Club – Dominican Republic
2005-2006 : Conception of tourism products sailing and diving for a travel agency – Lille
2006 : Crew member : Virgin Islands, Venezuela, Sainte Lucia, Atlantic coast…
Since 2007 : Onwards  Professional skipper. Catamaran cruises in the Grenadines
Since 2010 : Onwards ,  Skipper. Day excursions Bay of Robert.


Sailing in regattas with female crew.
President of the Association « La Régate au Feminin »

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